Personal Scrapbook Project

I found this old scrapbook album in our shed and wanted to just take photos to post it but the album was so dusty and the layouts are so outdated. So my creative me decided to redo it and make it brand new.

This is the old album. Looks kinda gloomy because it's all black.

I have started making progress (completed 2 pages already :D) Here's the pages I've done so far.

Layout courtesy of

I'll be updating soon with new photos. Thanks for dropping by :)

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  1. Hi, Hilda! I like how you jumbled the baby paper embellishments on your 1st layout. I'm glad to be reaching out to students too with our Filipino Scrapbookers sketch challenges.

    I would just like to know and ask if you do reside in the Philippines or is a Filipino residing abroad . . . to help us sort out thru our participants in declaring local and international winners. . . . I would really appreciate if you could indicate next time with your entries as instructed in FSCB's challenge rules.

    Thank you so much for joining FSCB's sketch challenge. =)

    1. Hello po Ms. Kath, thanks for the compliment. I am really working hard to improve my skills and stumbling upon your challenge really inspired me to try it out. I reside in the Philippines po. I'm sorry I forgot to include it coz it was my first time and I was really excited. Will that disqualify me?

    2. noted your country of residence, Hilda. =)
